Laurie K. Read PhD

Laurie Read

Laurie G. Read

Overview Research Publications Activities Latest News

Professional Summary:

Trypanosoma brucei is a eukaryotic pathogen that causes man African trypanosomiasis, a disease that is invariably fatal if not treated. Essential and novel processes in this parasite may serve as starting platforms for new chemotherapeutics, which are urgently needed. Our laboratory combines biochemical, genetic, genomic and proteomic approaches toward understanding gene regulation and poly peptide modification in this pathogenic eukaryote.

Ane focus in my laboratory is RNA editing, a novel machinery for regulating mitochondrial gene expression in which sequence information is added to mRNAs afterwards transcription by specific insertion and deletion of uridine residues. RNA editing is essential for creating translatable open reading frames (ORFs). We are performing functional and biochemical label of the large, dynamic RNA-protein complex termed MRB1, which coordinates multiple aspects of the RNA editing process.

A 2d focus is on regulating RNA stability and translational control in T. brucei, which constitute the major methods of gene regulation in this organism. We identified an RNA binding poly peptide, DRBD18, that impacts the stabilities of hundreds of mRNAs. Our data support a model in which posttranslational modification of DRBD18 by arginine methylation acts as a switch to alter DRBD18 from an mRNA destabilizer to an mRNA stabilizer by regulating specific protein-protein and poly peptide-RNA interactions. We are testing this model in vitro and in vivo using reporter assays, in vivo protein-RNA cantankerous-linking and poly peptide-protein interaction assays.

A third focus is on understanding the mechanisms by which protein arginine methylation modulates trypanosome biology.  We performed a global proteomic analysis of the arginine methylome of T. brucei, identifying >1100 methylproteins spanning nearly cellular compartments and a wide assortment of functional classes. We are now analyzing novel mechanisms of protein arginine methyltransferase regulation and defining the physiological and molecular functions of arginine methylmarks on selected proteins.

I foster a collaborative and flexible laboratory environment, and I encourage my students to explore the research topics that interest them.

Teaching and Training:

  • PhD, Cellular and Molecular Physiology, Tufts University School of Medicine (1990)
  • MA, Jail cell Biology and Physiology, University of California at Santa Barbara (1985)
  • BA, Biological science, Boston University (1982)


  • Professor, Microbiology and Immunology, University at Buffalo (2006-present)
  • Associate Professor, Microbiology and Immunology, Academy at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (2000–2006)
  • Assistant Professor, Microbiology and Immunology, University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (1994–2000)
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Microbiology and Immunology, Seattle Biomedical Research Institute, University of Washington (1990–1994)

Awards and Honors:

  • Chancellor's Honour for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activity (2018)
  • Infrequent Scholar- Sustained Achievement Award (2014)
  • Dean'due south Honour for Outstanding Service (2012)
  • Distinguished Postdoc Mentor Honour (2010)
  • New Investigator in Molecular Parasitology Award, Burroughs Wellcome Fund (1996)
  • National Research Service Award (1991)
  • Predoctoral Fellowship, Berlex Laboratories (1990)
  • Travel Award, American Society for Cell Biology (1989)
  • National Research Service Laurels, Public Wellness Service, National Institutes (1988)
  • Edwin W. Pauley Foundation Grant-in-Aid (1983)

Research Expertise:

  • Molecular parasitology: Molecular biology and biochemistry of African trypanosomiasis, posttranscriptional gene regulation, RNA editing and stability, poly peptide arginine methylation, ribonucleoprotein machineries.
  • post-transcriptional factor regulation: In our laboratory we report the eukaryotic parasite Trypanosoma brucei, which is the causative agent of homo African trypanosomiasis, besides known as African sleeping sickness. This illness is invariably fatal if non treated, and electric current drugs are toxic and difficult to administrate, and resistance is developing. Essential and novel processes in this parasite may serve as starting platforms for new drug therapies. In addition to beingness of great medical and economic importance, T. brucei is as well an excellent model system for the study of posttranscriptional gene regulation, because regulation at the level of transcription is essentially absent in this organism. The primary focus of our laboratory is on the mechanisms and regulation of 2 RNA processing events in T. brucei: RNA editing and RNA turnover. A third related surface area of research is the mechanism by which posttranslational modification of RNA binding proteins past arginine methylation modulates RNA processing, stability, and translation. RNA editing RNA editing is a novel mechanism for regulating factor expression in which sequence data is added to mRNAs afterward transcription past specific insertion and deletion of uridine residues. Editing generates translatable messages by creating the open reading frames every bit well equally proper initiation and termination signals. The phenomenon is of fundamental importance in agreement how genetic information can be stored and candy, and it is an essential procedure in trypanosomes. Nosotros identified several RNA bounden proteins and ribonucleoprotein complexes that act as RNA editing accessory factors, and which are essential for the editing of specific RNAs or classes of RNAs. We are currently using biochemical, genetic, and genomic approaches to make up one's mind the molecular mechanisms by which these factors modulate RNA-RNA, RNA-protein, and poly peptide-protein interactions. RNA turnover The levels of translatable mRNAs are dictated by the residue between transcription rates and mRNA decay rates. The disuse rates of specific RNAs are determined by both cis-acting sequences within the mRNA itself as well as trans-acting proteins that interact with those RNA sequences. We accept developed an in vitro RNA turnover system for identification of cis- and trans-acting factors that modulate mitochondrial RNA decay rates. We identified small edited RNA sequences that dramatically affect the rate of RNA decay, and showed that 3' poly(A) tails differentially bear upon the decay charge per unit of an RNA depending on its editing condition. We are using biochemical and bioinformatic approaches to place 1) exoribonucleases that catalyze disuse of different RNA classes and 2) RNA binding proteins that recognize cis-acting elements and regulate RNA turnover pathways. We are likewise performing genetic studies in trypanosomes to define the roles of these trans-acting factors in mitochondrial gene regulation. Protein arginine methylation Methylation of arginine residues in proteins is a posttranslational modification whose importance in areas such as signal transduction, RNA trafficking, RNA processing, and transcription has recently become apparent. Interestingly, a very big percentage of proteins that undergo arginine methylation are RNA binding proteins. We have identified and characterized five protein arginine methyltransferases that catalyze this procedure in T. brucei. Nosotros take besides identified numerous RNA binding proteins that undergo arginine methylation. Studies are currently underway to determine how methylation of RNA binding proteins affects their functions in posttranscriptional gene regulatory processes.

Grants and Sponsored Research:

  • June 2019–May 2024
    Function and regulation of the essential RNA binding poly peptide, DRBD18
    Role: Primary Investigator
  • July 2018–June 2022
    Kinetoplastid RNA editing
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • July 2018–July 2021
    Functional characterization of RNA editing helicase ane
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • September 2011–August 2016
    Training in microbial pathogenesis
    Office: Principal Investigator
  • August 2012–July 2016
    Regulation of RNA editing in Trypanosoma brucei(RO1AI061580)
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • May 2010–April 2015
    Protein arginine methylation in trypanosomes
    Role: Main Investigator
  • May 2008–Apr 2013
    Cis- and trans-interim factors in mitochondrial RNA decay
    Function: Principal Investigator

Journal Articles:

  • Mishra A, Kaur JN, McSkimming DI, Hegedusová E, Dubey AP, Ciganda M, Paris Z, Read LK. (2021) Selective nuclear export of mRNAs is promoted past DRBD18 in Trypanosoma brucei. Molecular microbiology (Sep), 116(3): 827-840. doi:10.1111/mmi.14773
  • Dubey AP, Tylec BL, McAdams NM, Sortino K, Read LK. (2021) Trypanosome RNAEditing Substrate Bounden Complex integrity and function depends on the upstream action of RESC10. Nucleic acids enquiry (Apr), 49(six): 3557-3572. doi:10.1093/nar/gkab129
  • Smith JT, Doleželová E, Tylec B, Bard JE, Chen R, Sun Y, Zíková A, Read LK. (2020) Developmental regulation of edited CYb and COIII mitochondrial mRNAs is achieved past singled-out mechanisms in Trypanosoma brucei. Nucleic acids enquiry (Sep), 48(15): 8704-8723. doi:10.1093/nar/gkaa641
  • Aphasizheva I, Alfonzo J, Carnes J, Cestari I, Cruz-Reyes J, Göringer HU, Hajduk Due south, Lukeš J, Madison-Antenucci S, Maslov DA, McDermott SM, Ochsenreiter T, Read LK, Salavati R, Schnaufer A, Schneider A, Simpson L, Stuart K, Yurchenko V, Zhou ZH, Zíková A, Zhang Fifty, Zimmer Southward, Aphasizhev R. (2020) Lexis and Grammar of Mitochondrial RNA Processing in Trypanosomes. Trends in parasitology (Apr), 36(4): 337-355. doi:x.1016/
  • Hashimoto H, Kafková L, Raczkowski A, Jordan KD, Read LK, Debler EW. (2020) Structural Ground of Protein Arginine Methyltransferase Activation by a Catalytically Dead Homolog (Prozyme). J Mol Biol (Jan), 432(2): 410-426.
  • Tylec BL, Simpson RM, Kirby LE, Chen R, Sun Y, Koslowsky DJ, Read LK. (2019) Intrinsic and regulated properties of minimally edited trypanosome mRNAs. Nucleic Acids Res (January), 47(7): 3640-3657.
  • McAdams NM, Harrison GL, Tylec BL, Ammerman ML, Chen R, Sun Y, Read LK. (2019) MRB10130 is a RESC assembly cistron that promotes kinetoplastid RNA editing initiation and progression. RNA (Jan), 25(9): 1177-1191.
  • Kafková L, Tu C, Pazzo KL, Smith KP, Debler EW, Paul KS, Qu J, Read LK. (2018) Trypanosoma brucei PRMT1 Is a Nucleic Acid Binding Protein with a Role in Energy Metabolism and the Starvation Stress Response. mBio (Dec), nine(6). doi:10.1128/mBio.02430-18
  • Zimmer SL, Simpson RM, Read LK. (2018) High throughput sequencing revolution reveals conserved fundamentals of U-indel editing. Wiley Interdiscip Rev RNA (Jun)1487-1487.
  • McAdams NM, Simpson RM, Chen R, Sun Y, Read LK. (2018) MRB7260 is essential for productive protein-RNA interactions within the RNA editing substrate binding complex during trypanosome RNA editing. RNA (January), 24(4): 540-556.
  • Simpson RM, Bruno AE, Chen R, Lott Chiliad, Tylec BL, Bard JE, Sun Y, Buck MJ, Read LK, Buck M. (2017) Trypanosome RNA Editing Mediator Complex proteins have distinct functions in gRNA utilization. Nucleic Acids Res (Jul), 45(xiii): 7965-7983.
  • Kafková L, Debler EW, Fisk JC, Jain Thou, Clarke SG, Read LK. (2017) The Major Poly peptide Arginine Methyltransferase in Trypanosoma brucei Functions as an Enzyme-Prozyme Complex. J Biol Chem (Jan), 292(vi): 2089-2100.
  • Simpson RM, Bruno AE, Bard JE, Buck MJ, Read LK, Buck M. (2016) High-throughput sequencing of partially edited trypanosome mRNAs reveals barriers to editing progression and evidence for alternative editing. RNA (May), 22(5): 677-695.
  • Kumar V, Madina BR, Gulati South, Vashisht AA, Kanyumbu C, Pieters B, Shakir A, Wohlschlegel JA, Read LK, Mooers BH, Cruz-Reyes J. (2016) REH2C Helicase and GRBC Subcomplexes May Base Pair through mRNA and Modest Guide RNA in Kinetoplastid Editosomes. J Biol Chem (Mar), 291(11): 5753-5764.
  • Read LK, LukeÅ¡ J, Hashimi H. (2016) Trypanosome RNA editing: the complexity of getting U in and taking U out. Wiley Interdiscip Rev RNA (Jan), 7(ane): 33-51.
  • Huang Z, Faktorová D, Křížová A, Kafková 50, Read LK, LukeÅ¡ J, Hashimi H. (2015) Integrity of the core mitochondrial RNA-bounden circuitous ane is vital for trypanosome RNA editing. RNA (Dec), 21(12): 2088-2102.
  • Shaw PL, McAdams NM, Hast MA, Ammerman ML, Read LK, Schumacher MA. (2015) Structures of the T. brucei kRNA editing gene MRB1590 reveal unique RNA-binding pore motif independent within an ABC-ATPase fold. Nucleic Acids Res (Aug), 43(14): 7096-7109.
  • Lott K, Mukhopadhyay S, Li J, Wang J, Yao J, Sun Y, Qu J, Read L. (2015) Arginine methylation of DRBD18 differentially impacts its opposing furnishings on the trypanosome transcriptome. Nucleic Acids Research (Jun), 43(11): 5501-5523.
  • Lott K, Mukhopadhyay South, Li J, Wang J, Yao J, Sun Y, Qu J, Read LK. (2015) Arginine methylation of DRBD18 differentially impacts its opposing effects on the trypanosome transcriptome. Nucleic acids inquiry (Jun), 43(11): 5501-23. doi:10.1093/nar/gkv428
  • McAdams NM, Ammerman ML, Nanduri J, Lott Chiliad, Fisk JC, Read LK. (2015) An Arginine-Glycine-Rich RNA Bounden Protein Impacts the Abundance of Specific mRNAs in the Mitochondria of Trypanosoma brucei. Eukaryot Cell (Feb), 14(2): 149-157.
  • Lott K, Zhu L, Fisk JC, Tomasello DL, Read LK. (2014) Functional interplay between poly peptide arginine methyltransferases in Trypanosoma brucei. Microbiologyopen (Oct), iii(v): 595-609.
  • Ammerman ML, Tomasello DL, Faktorová D, Kafková L, Hashimi H, LukeÅ¡ J, Read LK. (2013) A core MRB1 complex component is indispensable for RNA editing in insect and homo infective stages of Trypanosoma brucei. PLoS One (Oct), eight(ten): 78015-78015.
  • Sakyiama J, Zimmer SL, Ciganda M, Williams Due north, Read LK. (2013) Ribosome biogenesis requires a highly diverged XRN family 5'->3' exoribonuclease for rRNA processing in Trypanosoma brucei. RNA (October), xix(10): 1419-1431.
  • Lott K, Li J, Fisk JC, Wang H, Aletta JM, Qu J, Read LK. (2013) Global proteomic analysis in trypanosomes reveals unique proteins and conserved cellular processes impacted by arginine methylation. J Proteomics. (Jul).
  • Hashimi H, Zimmer SL, Ammerman ML, Read LK, Lukeš J. (2013) Dual cadre processing: MRB1 is an emerging kinetoplast RNA editing complex. Trends Parasitol (Feb), 29(ii): 91-99.
  • Fisk JC, Li J, Wang H, Aletta JM, Qu J, Read LK. (2013) Proteomic analysis reveals various classes of arginine methylproteins in mitochondria of trypanosomes. Molecular & cellular proteomics : MCP (Feb), 12(two): 302-11. doi:x.1074/mcp.M112.022533
  • Kafková L, Ammerman ML, Faktorová D, Fisk JC, Zimmer SL, Sobotka R, Read LK, Lukes J, Hashimi H. (2012) Functional characterization of two paralogs that are novel RNA binding proteins influencing mitochondrial transcripts of Trypanosoma brucei. RNA (October), 18(ten): 1846-1861.
  • Foda BM, Downey KM, Fisk JC, Read LK. (2012) Multifunctional G-rich and RRM-containing domains of TbRGG2 perform separate yet essential functions in trypanosome RNA editing. Eukaryot Jail cell (Sep), 11(9): 1119-1131.
  • Ammerman ML, Downey KM, Hashimi H, Fisk JC, Tomasello DL, Faktorová D, Kafková L, Male monarch T, Lukes J, Read LK. (2012) Compages of the trypanosome RNA editing accessory circuitous, MRB1. Nucleic Acids Res (Jul), 40(12): 5637-5650.
  • Zimmer SL, McEvoy SM, Menon Due south, Read LK. (2012) Condiment and transcript-specific effects of KPAP1 and TbRND activities on iii' non-encoded tail characteristics and mRNA stability in Trypanosoma brucei. PLoS Ane (May), 7(5): 37639-37639.
  • Madina BR, Kuppan Chiliad, Vashisht AA, Liang YH, Downey KM, Wohlschlegel JA, Ji X, Sze SH, Sacchettini JC, Read LK, Cruz-Reyes J. (2011) Guide RNA biogenesis involves a novel RNase III family endoribonuclease in Trypanosoma brucei. RNA (October), 17(10): 1821-1830.
  • Fisk JC, Read LK. (2011) Protein arginine methylation in parasitic protozoa. Eukaryot Cell (Aug), 10(viii): 1013-1022.
  • Ammerman ML, Hashimi H, Novotná L, Cicová Z, McEvoy SM, Lukes J, Read LK. (2011) MRB3010 is a core component of the MRB1 complex that facilitates an early step of the kinetoplastid RNA editing process. RNA (May), 17(v): 865-877.
  • Zimmer SL, McEvoy SM, Li J, Qu J, Read LK. (2011) A novel fellow member of the RNase D exoribonuclease family functions in mitochondrial guide RNA metabolism in Trypanosoma brucei. J Biol Chem (Mar), 286(12): 10329-10340.
  • Ammerman ML, Presnyak V, Fisk JC, Foda BM, Read LK. (2010) TbRGG2 facilitates kinetoplastid RNA editing initiation and progression past intrinsic pause sites. RNA (Nov), 16(eleven): 2239-2251.
  • Sprehe 1000, Fisk JC, McEvoy SM, Read LK, Schumacher MA. (2010) Structure of the Trypanosoma brucei p22 protein, a cytochrome oxidase subunit 2-specific RNA-editing accessory factor. J Biol Chem (Jun), 285(24): 18899-18908.
  • Fisk JC, Zurita-Lopez C, Sayegh J, Tomasello DL, Clarke SG, Read LK. (2010) TbPRMT6 is a type I protein arginine methyltransferase that contributes to cytokinesis in Trypanosoma brucei. Eukaryot Prison cell (Jun), nine(six): 866-877.
  • Fisk JC, Presnyak V, Ammerman ML, Read LK. (2009) Distinct and overlapping functions of MRP1/2 and RBP16 in mitochondrial RNA metabolism. Mol Prison cell Biol (Oct), 29(19): 5214-5225.
  • Mattiacio JL, Read LK. (2009) Evidence for a degradosome-like complex in the mitochondria of Trypanosoma brucei. FEBS Lett (Jul), 583(14): 2333-2338.
  • Fisk JC, Sayegh J, Zurita-Lopez C, Menon S, Presnyak Five, Clarke SG, Read LK. (2009) A blazon 3 protein arginine methyltransferase from the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma brucei. J Biol Chem (Apr), 284(17): 11590-11600.
  • Fisk JC, Ammerman ML, Presnyak V, Read LK. (2008) TbRGG2, an essential RNA editing accessory factor in two Trypanosoma brucei life cycle stages. J Biol Chem (Aug), 283(34): 23016-23025.
  • Ammerman ML, Fisk JC, Read LK. (2008) gRNA/pre-mRNA annealing and RNA chaperone activities of RBP16. RNA (Jun), 14(6): 1069-1080.
  • Mattiacio JL, Read LK. (2008) Roles for TbDSS-1 in RNA surveillance and decay of maturation by-products from the 12S rRNA locus. Nucleic Acids Res (Jan), 36(one): 319-329.
  • Pusnik One thousand, Modest I, Read LK, Fabbro T, Schneider A. (2007) Pentatricopeptide repeat proteins in Trypanosoma brucei function in mitochondrial ribosomes. Mol Prison cell Biol (Oct), 27(nineteen): 6876-6888.
  • Pasternack DA, Sayegh J, Clarke S, Read LK. (2007) Evolutionarily divergent type II protein arginine methyltransferase in Trypanosoma brucei. Eukaryot Cell (Sep), six(9): 1665-1681.
  • Kao CY, Read LK. (2007) Targeted depletion of a mitochondrial nucleotidyltransferase suggests the presence of multiple enzymes that polymerize mRNA 3' tails in Trypanosoma brucei mitochondria. Mol Biochem Parasitol (Aug), 154(2): 158-169.
  • Duan P, Xu Y, Birkaya B, Myers J, Pelletier M, Read LK, Guarnaccia C, Pongor Southward, Denman RB, Aletta JM. (2007) Generation of polyclonal antiserum for the detection of methylarginine proteins. J Immunol Methods (Mar), 320(1-2): 132-142.
  • Goulah CC, Read LK. (2007) Differential effects of arginine methylation on RBP16 mRNA binding, guide RNA (gRNA) binding, and gRNA-containing ribonucleoprotein circuitous (gRNP) germination. J Biol Chem (Mar), 282(10): 7181-7190.
  • Pelletier Thousand, Read LK, Aphasizhev R. (2007) Isolation of RNA binding proteins involved in insertion/deletion editing. Methods Enzymol (Jan), 424: 75-105.
  • Goulah CC, Pelletier M, Read LK. (2006) Arginine methylation regulates mitochondrial gene expression in Trypanosoma brucei through multiple effector proteins. RNA (Aug), 12(eight): 1545-1555.
  • Miller MM, Halbig K, Cruz-Reyes J, Read LK. (2006) RBP16 stimulates trypanosome RNA editing in vitro at an early step in the editing reaction. RNA (Jul), 12(seven): 1292-1303.
  • Ryan CM, Kao CY, Sleve DA, Read LK. (2006) Biphasic disuse of guide RNAs in Trypanosoma brucei. Mol Biochem Parasitol (Mar), 146(1): 68-77.
  • Pelletier M, Pasternack DA, Read LK. (2005) In vitro and in vivo assay of the major type I protein arginine methyltransferase from Trypanosoma brucei. Mol Biochem Parasitol (December), 144(2): 206-217.
  • Ryan CM, Read LK. (2005) UTP-dependent turnover of Trypanosoma brucei mitochondrial mRNA requires UTP polymerization and involves the RET1 TUTase. RNA (May), 11(5): 763-773.
  • Kao CY, Read LK. (2005) Opposing furnishings of polyadenylation on the stability of edited and unedited mitochondrial RNAs in Trypanosoma brucei. Mol Cell Biol (Mar), 25(5): 1634-1644.
  • Penschow JL, Sleve DA, Ryan CM, Read LK. (2004) TbDSS-one, an essential Trypanosoma brucei exoribonuclease homolog that has pleiotropic effects on mitochondrial RNA metabolism. Eukaryot Cell (Oct), 3(5): 1206-1216.
  • Miller MM, Read LK. (2003) Trypanosoma brucei: functions of RBP16 cold stupor and RGG domains in macromolecular interactions. Exp Parasitol (Oct), 105(2): 140-148.
  • Miller MM, Read LK. (2003) Trypanosoma brucei: functions of RBP16 cold daze and RGG domains in macromolecular interactions. Experimental parasitology (Oct), 105(two): 140-8.
  • Ryan CM, Militello KT, Read LK. (2003) Polyadenylation regulates the stability of Trypanosoma brucei mitochondrial RNAs. The Periodical of biological chemical science (Aug), 278(35): 32753-62.
  • Ryan CM, Militello KT, Read LK. (2003) Polyadenylation regulates the stability of Trypanosoma brucei mitochondrial RNAs. J Biol Chem (Aug), 278(35): 32753-32762.
  • Pelletier M, Read LK. (2003) RBP16 is a multifunctional gene regulatory protein involved in editing and stabilization of specific mitochondrial mRNAs in Trypanosoma brucei. RNA (New York, N.Y.) (Apr), nine(four): 457-68. doi:10.1261/rna.2160803
  • Hayman ML, Miller MM, Chandler DM, Goulah CC, Read LK. (2001) The trypanosome homolog of human p32 interacts with RBP16 and stimulates its gRNA binding activeness. Nucleic Acids Res (Dec), 29(24): 5216-5225.
  • Pelletier K, Xu Y, Wang X, Zahariev South, Pongor S, Aletta JM, Read LK. (2001) Arginine methylation of a mitochondrial guide RNA binding protein from Trypanosoma brucei. Mol Biochem Parasitol (November), 118(1): 49-59.
  • Pelletier M, Xu Y, Wang Ten, Zahariev S, Pongor S, Aletta JM, Read LK. (2001) Arginine methylation of a mitochondrial guide RNA bounden protein from Trypanosoma brucei. Mol Biochem Parasitol (Nov), 118(1): 49-59.
  • Pelletier, M., Xu, Y., Wang, X., Zahariev, S., Pongor, S., Aletta, J.Chiliad., Laurie Read. (2001) Arginine methylation of a mitochondrial guide RNA binding protein from Trypanosoma brucei. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. (January), 118: 49-59.
  • Hayman, M.Fifty., Miller, M.M., Chandler, D.Thou., Goulah, C.C., Laurie Read. (2001) The trypanosome homolog of human being p32 interacts with RBP16 and stimulates its gRNA binding activity. Nucl. Acids Res. (Jan), 29: 5216-5225.
  • Militello KT, Hayman ML, Read LK. (2000) Transcriptional and post-transcriptional in organello labelling of Trypanosoma brucei mitochondrial RNA. Int J Parasitol (Apr), thirty(5): 643-647.
  • Militello KT, Read LK. (2000) UTP-dependent and -independent pathways of mRNA turnover in Trypanosoma brucei mitochondria. Mol Cell Biol (Apr), 20(7): 2308-2316.
  • Pelletier K, Miller MM, Read LK. (2000) RNA-binding properties of the mitochondrial Y-box protein RBP16. Nucleic Acids Res (Mar), 28(5): 1266-1275.
  • Read LK, Militello KT, Nerantzakis GE. (1999) Cloning and characterisation of cDNA encoding the Trypanosoma brucei ribosomal protein L24. Int J Parasitol (Apr), 29(4): 601-605.
  • Hayman ML, Read LK. (1999) Trypanosoma brucei RBP16 is a mitochondrial Y-box family poly peptide with guide RNA binding activity. J Biol Chem (Apr), 274(17): 12067-12074.
  • Militello KT, Read LK. (1999) Coordination of kRNA editing and polyadenylation in Trypanosoma brucei mitochondria: complete editing is not required for long poly(A) tract improver. Nucleic Acids Res (Mar), 27(5): 1377-1385.
  • Hotchkiss TL, Nerantzakis GE, Dills SC, Shang L, Read LK. (1999) Trypanosoma brucei poly(A) binding poly peptide I cDNA cloning, expression, and binding to five untranslated region sequence elements. Mol Biochem Parasitol (Jan), 98(one): 117-129.
  • Schmid B, Read LK, Stuart G, Göringer HU. (1996) Experimental verification of the secondary structures of guide RNA-pre-mRNA chimaeric molecules in Trypanosoma brucei. Eur J Biochem (Sep), 240(3): 721-731.
  • Corell RA, Read LK, Riley GR, Nellissery JK, Allen TE, Kable ML, Wachal MD, Seiwert SD, Myler PJ, Stuart KD. (1996) Complexes from Trypanosoma brucei that exhibit deletion editing and other editing-associated properties. Mol Cell Biol (Apr), 16(iv): 1410-1418.
  • Read LK, Stankey KA, Fish WR, Muthiani AM, Stuart G. (1994) Developmental regulation of RNA editing and polyadenylation in four life wheel stages of Trypanosoma congolense. Mol Biochem Parasitol (December), 68(2): 297-306.
  • Read LK, Wilson KD, Myler PJ, Stuart K. (1994) Editing of Trypanosoma brucei maxicircle CR5 mRNA generates variable carboxy terminal predicted poly peptide sequences. Nucleic Acids Res (Apr), 22(8): 1489-1495.
  • Read LK, Göringer HU, Stuart K. (1994) Assembly of mitochondrial ribonucleoprotein complexes involves specific guide RNA (gRNA)-binding proteins and gRNA domains but does not crave preedited mRNA. Mol Prison cell Biol (Apr), 14(4): 2629-2639.
  • Souza AE, Shu HH, Read LK, Myler PJ, Stuart KD. (1993) Extensive editing of CR2 maxicircle transcripts of Trypanosoma brucei predicts a protein with homology to a subunit of NADH dehydrogenase. Mol Cell Biol (Nov), 13(11): 6832-6840.
  • Read LK, Stuart K. (1993) Conservation of gRNA factor cassette construction in African trypanosomes despite divergence in the defining flanking repeats. Mol Biochem Parasitol (Aug), lx(2): 333-335.
  • Read LK, Jacob AN, Fish WR, Muthiani AM, Stuart One thousand. (1993) Sequences of three Trypanosoma congolense maxicircle genes allow prediction of regions encoding transcripts that undergo extensive RNA editing. Mol Biochem Parasitol (Aug), lx(2): 337-341.
  • Read LK, Fish WR, Muthiani AM, Stuart K. (1993) Maxicircle Dna and edited mRNA sequences of closely related trypanosome species: implications of kRNA editing for evolution of maxicircle genomes. Nucleic Acids Res (Aug), 21(17): 4073-4078.
  • Read LK, Corell RA, Stuart K. (1992) Chimeric and truncated RNAs in Trypanosoma brucei advise transesterifications at non-consecutive sites during RNA editing. Nucleic Acids Res (May), 20(9): 2341-2347.
  • Read LK, Myler PJ, Stuart K. (1992) Extensive editing of both processed and preprocessed maxicircle CR6 transcripts in Trypanosoma brucei. J Biol Chem (Jan), 267(two): 1123-1128.
  • Koslowsky DJ, Bhat GJ, Read LK, Stuart 1000. (1991) Cycles of progressive realignment of gRNA with mRNA in RNA editing. Prison cell (November), 67(3): 537-546.
  • Read LK, Mikkelsen RB. (1991) Comparison of adenylate cyclase and cAMP-dependent poly peptide kinase in gametocytogenic and nongametocytogenic clones of Plasmodium falciparum. J Parasitol (Jun), 77(3): 346-352.
  • Read LK, Mikkelsen RB. (1991) Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes contain an adenylate cyclase with backdrop which differ from those of the host enzyme. Mol Biochem Parasitol (Mar), 45(ane): 109-119.
  • Read LK, Mikkelsen RB. (1990) Cyclic AMP- and Ca2(+)-dependent protein kinases in Plasmodium falciparum. Exp Parasitol (Jul), 71(1): 39-48.
  • Laurie Read, Margulis, L., Stolz, R., Obar, R., Sawyer, T.K. (1983) A new strain of Paratetramitus jugusus from Laguna Figueroa, Baja California, Mexico. Biol. Bull. (Jan), 165: 241-264.
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Books and Book Chapters:

  • Stuart, K., Corell, R.A., Goringer, H.U., Koslowsky, D.J., Myler, P.J., Laurie Read, Riley, One thousand.R., Shu, H.-H., Souza, A.E. (1993) In: RNA editing in Trypanosoma brucei: gRNA multifariousness and redundancy.

Professional person Memberships:

  • American Club for Microbiology (2000–present)
  • American Society for Microbiology; Western NY Branch (1998–present)
  • RNA Society (1995–present)
  • AAAS (1992–nowadays)


  • "Developmental regulation of CYb and COIII mRNA abundance occurs through two distinct mechanisms." Rustbelt RNA Meeting (2020)
  • "Developmental regulation of CYb and COIII mRNA affluence occurs through ii singled-out mechanisms." Molecular Parasitology meeting XXXI (2020)
  • "RNA editing and stability in Trypanosoma brucei" Department of Oral Biology, SUNYAB (2002)
  • "Disruption of RBP16 gene expression differentially affects editing of multiple RNAs in Trypanosoma brucei" Molecular Parasitology Meeting XII (2001)
  • "Molecular interactions involving the guide RNA binding protein, RBP16" Gordon Conference on RNA Editing (2001)
  • "Molecular interactions involving the guide RNA binding poly peptide, RBP16" Second International Briefing on Proteins that Bind RNA (2001)
  • "Molecular interactions involving the mitochondrial Y-box protein, RBP16" 2d International Conference on Proteins that Bind RNA (2001)
  • "Polyadenylation and UTP regulate Trypanosoma brucei mitochondrial mRNA turnover in vitro" Molecular Parasitology Meeting XII (2001)
  • "The trypanosome homolog of homo p32 interacts with RBP16 and stimulates its gRNA bounden activity" Molecular Parasitology Meeting XII (2001)
  • "Characterization ofmitochondrial ribonuclease activities from Trypanosoma brucei" Molecular Parasitology Coming together Xi (2000)
  • "Factor expression in trypanosome mitochondria: unique aspects of RNA processing" Dept. of Cellular and Molecular Physiology, Tufts University School of Medicine (2000)
  • "Mitochondrial ribonuclease activities from Trypanosoma brucei" Fifth Annual Meeting of the RNA Guild (2000)
  • "Structure-function analysis of the mitochondrial Y-box protein RBP16" Molecular Parasitology Coming together Eleven (2000)
  • "Construction-function analysis of the mitochondrial Y-box protein RBP16" 5th Almanac Meeting of the RNA Gild (2000)
  • "UTP-dependent and -independent pathways of mRNA turnover in Trypanosoma brucei mitochondria" Fifth Annual Meeting of the RNA Society (2000)
  • "UTP-dependent and -independent pathways of mRNA turnover in trypanosome mitochondria" Gordon Conference on Mitochondria and Chloroplasts (2000)
  • "UTP-dependent and -independent pathways of mRNA turnover in trypanosome mitochondria" Gordon Conference on Mitochondria and Chloroplasts (2000)
  • "Bounden properties of the Trypanosoma brucei gRNA-bounden poly peptide RBP16" Molecular Parasitology Meeting X (1999)
  • "RNA editing in African trypanosomes" Roswell Park Cancer Research Institute (1999)
  • "Trypanosoma brucei RBP16 associates with gRNA and rRNA and is present in multicomponent complexes" Fourth Annual Meeting of the RNA Guild (1999)
  • "UTP stimulates degradation of polyadenylated RNA in Trypanosoma brucei mitochondria" Fourth Annual Meeting of the RNA Society (1999)
  • "UTP stimulates degradation of polyadenylated RNA in Trypanosoma brucei mitochondria" Molecular Parasitology Coming together (1999)
  • "UTP stimulates deposition of polyadenylated RNAs in Trypanosoma brucei mitochondria" Molecular Parasitology Meeting Ten (1999)
  • "A eukaryotic Y-box poly peptide from Trypanosoma brucei with gRNA bounden activity" Molecular Parasitology Meeting IX (1998)
  • "Mitochondrial gene expression in Trypanosoma brucei" CAMBI Research Exchange Serial, SUNYAB (1998)
  • "Mitochondrial RNA processing in Trypanosoma brucei" Burroughs Wellcome Fund New Investigators Meeting (1998)
  • "The role of polyadenylation in the mitochondria of Trypanosoma brucei" Molecular Parasitology Coming together (1998)
  • "The role of polyadenylation in Trypanosoma brucei mitochondria" Third Annual Meeting of the RNA Society (1998)
  • "Trypanosoma brucei RBP16: A Y-box family member that binds guide RNA and acts equally an RNA chaperone" Tertiary Annual Coming together of the RNA Club (1998)
  • "RNA editing in African trypanosomes" microbial Pathogenesis Graduate Grouping Fall Research Forum, SUNYAB (1997)
  • "Purification and characterization of a mitochondrial RNA binding protein from Trypanosoma brucei" Molecular Parasitology Meeting (1997)
  • "Kinetoplastid RNA editing" SUNYAB Section of Biochemistry (1995)
  • "RNA editing complexes in Trypanosoma brucei" SUNYAB Section of Biological Sciences (1995)
  • "Potential RNA editing complexes in Trypanosoma brucei" Molecular Parasitology Meeting (1994)
  • "RNA editing in African trypanosomes" W Virginia University Medical School (1994)
  • "RNA editing in African trypanosomes" SUNYAB School of Medicine (1994)
  • "RNA editing in African trypanosomes" Medical College of Virginia (1994)
  • "RNA editing in African trypanosomes" Academy of Montana (1994)
  • "RNA editing in African trypanosomes" South Carolina Medical University (1994)
  • "RNA editing in African trypanosomes" Arizona Land University (1994)
  • "RNA editing in African trypanosomes" Academy of Vermont School of Medicine (1994)
  • "In vitro germination of gRNA-and mRNA-containing ribonucleoprotein complexes in Trypanosoma brucei" Common cold Jump Harbor RNA Processing Meeting (1993)
  • "In vitro formation of mitochondrial ribonucleoprotein particles containing gRNA, mRNA, and specific gRNA binding proteins" Westward Coast Kinetoplastid Conference (1993)
  • "Analysis of RNA editing in Trypanosoma brucei" Molecular Parasitology Coming together (1992)
  • "New insights into RNA editing in trypanosomes" Seattle Protozoology Conference (1992)
  • "RNA editing in Trypanosoma congolense" American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Meeting (1992)
  • "RNA editing in Trypanosoma congolense: Developmental regulation and conservation of edited RNA, but not DNA, sequence between T. congolense and T. brucei" Molecular Parasitology Meeting (1992)
See all (37 more)

Service Activities:

  • Czech Science Foundation; Advertizing hoc Reviewer (2021)
  • National Institutes of Health, Topics in Mycology, Parasitology, and Pathogenesis Study Section; Vice Chair and member (2021)
  • NIH Pathogenic Eukaryotes Special Study Section; Grant reviewer (2020)
  • NIH Pathogenic Eukaryotes Study department; Ad hoc reviewer (2020)
  • Israel Science Foundation; Grant reviewer (2020)
  • Directory of Graduate Studies; Manager (2019–2021)
  • Microbiology and Immunology Kinesthesia Council Representative; fellow member (2018–2020)
  • Ad hoc Committee on Promotions to Academic (Tenurial) Ranks; fellow member (2018–2021)
  • Eukaryotic Pathogens Innovation Center, Clemson University; External Advisory Commission Member (2016–present)
  • Faculty council commission on student diplomacy and bookish standing; member (2016–present)
  • PLoS Pathogens Pearls; Member (2016–nowadays)
  • UB Genomics and Proteomics Cadre Advisory Committee; member (2016–present)
  • Graduate Affairs Committee; member (2013–nowadays)
  • Inferior faculty mentoring commission; member (2008–present)
  • Preliminary (Qualifying) Test Committee; Commission Fellow member (2001)
  • First Annual Western New York RNA Graduate Group Bound Forum; Co-Chair (2001–present)
  • Search Committee, Molecular Biology Faculty, Dept. of Biological Sciences; Commission Member (2001–present)
  • Search Commission, Associate Vice President for Research; Fellow member (2000–2001)
  • Immunology Faculty Search Committee; Committee Member (2000)
  • School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Buswell Fellowship Committee; Committee Member (2000–nowadays)
  • Graduate Group on RNA; Organizing Committee Member (2000–nowadays)
  • Preliminary (Qualifying) Examination Committee; Committee Member (1999)
  • Microbial Pathogenesis Preparation Grant Implementatiion Committee; Committee Member (1999–present)
  • Microbial Pathogenesis Graduate Group Fall Forum Organizing Committee; Chairman (1998–1999)
  • Admissions and Recruitment Committee, Interdisciplinary Graduate Plan; Member (1998–present)
  • Microbial Pathogenesis Graduate Group Fall Forum Organizing Committee; Co-Chair (1997–1998)
  • Distinguished Scientist Seminar Series Commission; Member (1997–1998)
  • Preliminary (Qualifying) Examination Committee; Committee Fellow member (1997)
  • Founding Fellow member and Organizer, Buffalo Area RNA Society meets monthly with members from UB North and S Campuses, Roswell Park Cancer Research Found, and VA Hospital; Co-Chair (1997–present)
  • Income Fund Reimbursable Commission; Committee Fellow member (1997–present)
  • Seminar Committee; Committee Member (1997–present)
  • Center for Advanced Molecular Biology and Immunology Steering Committee; Member (1996–2000)
  • Preliminary (Qualifying) Test Committee; Committee Member (1996)
  • Immunology/Bacteriology Faculty Search Committee; Committee Member (1996)
  • Cirriculum/Graduate Affairs Committee; Commission Fellow member (1996–nowadays)
  • Analytical Biochemistry Athenaeum of Biochemistry and Biophysics Biochemical Journal BMC Microbiology Cellular Microbiology Current Genetics EMBO Journal Eukaryotic Cell Experimental Parasitology Gene Genes and Evolution International Periodical for Parasitology Periodical of Biological Chemistry Journal of Biomolecular Screening Periodical of Molecular Biological science Journal of Parasitology Periodical of Structural Biology Mitochondrion Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology Molecular and Cellular Biology Molecular and Cellular Proteomics Molecular Cell Molecular Microbiology Nature Communications Nucleic Acids Research Parasitology PLoS Genetics PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases PLoS One PLoS Pathogens Proceedings of the National University of Sciences Proteomics RNA RNA Biology Scientific Reports The Plant Cell Trends in Genetics WIRES RNA; Reviewer (1995–nowadays)
  • Howard Hughes Undergraduate Biological Sciences Program; Student Mentor (1995–2000)
  • Internal Safety Commission; Chair (1991–1993)

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